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  • 9/19/2024. Life purpose.

    my purpose in life is to make things that leave a mark. i shall not be wholly forgotten. i will post and leave a large body of work behind for people to look at. that is what shall happen this is why I must live as long as I can. I know I have an internet footprint, down to my middle school days, but it's pretty innocuous aside from being cringe and I like being able to see my old art. I regret deleting certain "cringe" pieces back in the day, but I'm happy with what's still up. I like having a body of work to look back on. When I'm gone in like 50 years I hope people will like looking back on that work, too.

  • 9/17/2024. Yarrrrf!

    Recently my Complete Yarf! Vol. 5 issue came in (recently being yesterday) and I've been working on reading through it (a tall order given the textbooks I'm required to read for college, but I digress). This collection came out this year but the content within is from the 90s and is published as-is, unchanged. It's super interesting to read an article inside about "recent" furry media releasing, and all of the artwork inside has that kind of "old-school/old-internet" kind of look to it. You can tell it's more amateurish work, but that quality just makes it all the more special to me. In an era of AI-gen slop flooding services like google images, it's nice to see works with flaws that could only come from a human. The earnest passion of the artists comes through in their work, and it is so unbelievably refreshing.

    Yarf! was an APA (amateur press association) anthology series that published comics, writings, and individual art pieces. It's technically still active, but seemingly only to publish collected volumes like the one I recently recieved. APAs don't really exist in the same capacity as they used to, what with the advent of the internet allowing anyone to publish anything and all, but they were pretty important in circulating "nerd"/geek/smaller fandom content and "keeping the torch of mutual interest lit" (as stated in the aforementioned Yarf volume I received).

    Anyway, I find the whole thing to be pretty inspirational. If they could circulate their stories with fewer resources at their disposal than I have, then why can't I? Makes me want to work on more comics.

  • 9/16/2024. the blog has been started.

    I don't really have much to talk about on this day. I've been working on some comics for things I can't talk about yet. I've been obtaining more vintage small-press comics too. It's a lot of fun reading them and seeing how much has changed since the nineties. If you want to get some old anthropomorthic animal-related comics (or just old comics in general for a good price), I recommend looking at Second Ed comics. They've got some great stuff and the prices are even better (at least, if you're in the USA-their shipping prices for Canada are...high.)

    In other news, I've been trying out OpenMPT lately. It's a music tracker software that's been around for ages (1997!) and is free to use. It's different from DAWs like FL Studio or LMMS, but I somehow find it easier to wrap my head around.